Update on mobile development!


Nathan here! Just wanted to provide an update on what I have been up to the past month with RogueSlide on mobile!
I wish I could devote more time to RogueSlide honestly. I love working on it. It brings me great joy when I add a new tile type or get some new feature in. Unfortunately though, I have a day job to do and five kids at home to take care of, so that greatly limits the time I can devote to RogueSlide Mobile. That being said I am still happy with the progress that I have made.
In the last month I have:

  • Added the spell system with the three original spells, fire, lightning, and ice
  • Added the leveling up system
  • Added a simple title screen that I will improve later
  • Added skeleton enemy tile along with the ability for it to create a bonepile when it dies. The bonepile will then reanimate into a skeleton tile after 3 turns if not destroyed
  • Added the ability for Slime tiles to absorb into each other
  • and other little things!

Here is a little video of what it looks like when you level up.

And here is a video of when I was testing the flame spells flammable tile system which will burn adjacent tiles if they have the flammable property.
Thanks for reading! See you next time!

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